Thursday, June 4, 2009

Praise you Jesus

Today was the last day with my kids at school.  After everyone had gone home, I set up against the wall underneath my chalkboard and just closed my eyes and breathed.  I must have set there for at least twenty minutes just in silence, sometimes talking to the Lord, at some points just enjoying being completely still.  I knew this day was coming, but it wasn't until I had come to this last day that I was able to reflect on this past year and thank God for carrying me through with His promises.  The plans I had for my own life over a  year ago never involved me working with children with special needs.  I wasn't even comfortable around children with special needs.  But quickly, God changed everything.  His plans were perfect. And they eventually led me to being in a high school living life with the most beautiful children.  I don't think I've ever had a perfect day since I started working there, but I also don't think a day passed where I wasn't learning something new about God's character.  He taught me so much about life in my classroom, with my students and with the people I work with.  It has been such a blessing.  As I sat there, I became exhausted.  I knew I had been stressed, but the feeling of it all falling off my shoulders was almost unbelievable.  I thanked the Lord for bringing me to this place and for providing me with a job for an entire year.  I just thanked Him for being constant in my life.  He brings so much joy and fulfillment into my life.

I think it's hard most times when we're stuck in a situation where we just feel like maybe God's not there, or He's not listening, or we can't hear Him.  But how are you responding?

One of my good family friends asked me how I was doing just the other day.  I guess he could sense that I was having a hard day that day.  I told him I just wanted it to be June 7th.  He looked at me, and said, "No, Emily.  What you need to be doing is praising God!"  "Praise God because He's big enough and He loves you and wants to show you His love."  He pointed out that God knows our desires and He is fully capable of all things.

I know that in the past it's been really hard for me to choose to praise God in the midst of hard times, but the past year has been different.  The scripture says, The Lord's joy is our strength.  This is so true.  Have you have given God the glory when you feel like you've just reached the bottom?  I remember a time that the Lord had just taught me about praising Him in these times.  I remember having the scene set for me.  Imagine God on His throne in heaven with all of the angels and creatures surrounding Him and they're worshipping Him and during this time, God's eyes are focused on you.  He sees you and your pain.  He sees Satan and his demons hard at work breaking down His child, and then in the midst of everything going on, you stand up, raise your hands to the heavens and start praising God for who He is!  Do you recognize what this means to our Father and to Satan?  Recognize that it's not about you or me.  It's about our God.  It's about living your life through His son Jesus Christ for HIS glory.  

The next few days, I'm assuming are going to be difficult for me because the plans I had, won't be.  But my challenge for myself is that I might praise God all the more for loving me and allowing me, by His grace, to walk with Him through it all.  We may not always know where God's plans are going to lead us, but in time we'll be able to look back and praise God for all the many great works He has done in us and through us.  

Give Him Honor and Praise.

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